Thursday, November 11, 2010


DTP41 - "Lost Color Reflection Reference"

Although the Calibration Strips were matched up with the DTP41 units in production, they can be replaced in the field if lost or damaged. The part number for ordering a replacement kit is listed below.

DTP41-100-KIT inclues:
a) DTP41-100
b) Cal Reference Update & ToolCrib Disc
c) Update Instructions

Re-certification [link]
It has been suggested by x-rite that the device is to be inspected and re-certified after 12 months of actual use.

Do take note that the update calibration reference in ToolCrib does not actually marry the reference to the device. If the measurement difference is abnormally higher than some known reference patches, it may be time to send in the unit  for factory re-certification.

White Reference
Followings were White Reference data collected with 4 certified dtp41s, results were also compared to x-rite 938 and i1pro.

                      Lab            CIEDE2000
Reference data  93.99/-0.50/-1.43    0.00 (as comparison reference)

Dtp41a-xrite    94.03/-0.47/-1.44    0.04
Dtp41b-xrite    93.95/-0.51/-1.40    0.04
Dtp41c-xrite    94.04/-0.49/-1.42    0.04
Dtp41d-xrite    94.03/-0.48/-1.42    0.04

938-xrga        93.58/-0.62/-1.18    0.39
938-xrite       93.58/-0.52/-1.06    0.43

I1pro-xrga      93.87/-0.72/-1.35    0.33
I1pro-xrite     93.88/-0.61/-1.24    0.25
I1pro-cp154     93.99/-0.75/-1.37    0.36 == -GretagMacbeth

Where to order:
1) Colour Confidence DTP41 replacement calibration strip
2)  [link]
3) ISO-Colour


  1. Can you help with the spectral reference data
    from the CD of DTP41-100-KIT?
    The file should end with ".XRC"
    Thanx! :)

  2. hello, could you send me a XRC file too? Is there a possibility to adjust measurements of old stripe with i1pro to get right measurements with DTP41?
