[link] If you are having problems with every row, it may be a Strip Definition issue. Print drivers can rescale an image, without you even knowing it. To verify this, measure your patches from the top of a single patch to the bottom of a single patch, in the scanning direction, in millimeters. Measure the dividers in millimeters in the scanning direction. Verify the number of patches in a single row. You may want to write these numbers down for reference later. In Toolcrib, try reading in a strip in the Terminal window by simply placing a target into the instrument and pushing the button on the top of the instrument. A successful read will show a [00] in the window after reading. If you are getting any other reading, such as [27], that would be an unsuccessful read. After reading in, if you are getting an unsuccessful read, go into the Setup window in Toolcrib and go to the Strip Definition tab. Look at the numbers listed in there for patch measurements, divider measurements and number of patches in a row. If the numbers don't match the numbers you measured earlier, this means your print driver is rescaling the image (shrinking or stretching it).
If you can read a different row, it may be a dividers issue. If any of the patches might be dark or light compared to the divider (close in density) between the patch above and below the dividers. The instrument's requirements are that there must be at least a 0.5 Density difference between the patch above, the divider and the patch below. If light or dark, you can fill them in with white correction fluid, or a black marker, depending on the issue. This should solve your problem.
If not reading any rows on any sheets, check the measurements of the lead edge of the sheet. It must be 1 ½ inches on the lead edge of the sheet to the top of the first patch.
Had a problem reading the final pass on an ink restriction strip with Postershop and your post saved me. Thanks!